Tova Jones - How priorities help you pace.

In this episode of Engaging Gray, we talk with Tova Jones, a wife, mother, and serial entrepreneur about how she and her husband have cultivated a pace of perseverance together. We get really practical about how to do it, why it's important, and talk about what it takes to do this well. We talk about how knowing your priorities and sticking to those is an essential part of saying yes to the right things, and no to the wrong things. Join us on this week's episode of Engaging Gray!


  • Find Tova on Instagram: @TovaJones

  • Tova's new Podcast (can be found on Apple, Spotify, etc): The Bizness of Marriage

In this episode of Engaging Gray, we talk with Tova Jones, a wife, mother, and serial entrepreneur about how she and her husband have cultivated a pace of perseverance together. We get really practical about how to do it, why it's important, and talk about what it takes to do this well.

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