Getting real about leading - Kim Bode

In this week's episode of Engaging Gray, we hear from Kim Bode with over 15 years of experience in being not only a leader but also a business owner and founder. Kim's authenticity and transparency about the highs and lows of leadership, especially as a woman business owner, is refreshing and enlightening. Kim talks about lessons she's learned over her tenure as a leader, tips and tools she's picked up, and advice she would have for those starting out. If you're up for a fun and freeing conversation take a listen!Resources mentioned in this podcast: . 


In this week's episode of Engaging Gray, we hear from Kim Bode with over 15 years of experience in being not only a leader but also a business owner and founder. Kim's authenticity and transparency about the highs and lows of leadership, especially as a woman business owner, is refreshing and enlightening.

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