Being Human in Leadership - Lauren VanKeulen

In this week's episode, we talk with Lauren VanKeulen, CEO of AYA Youth Collective, about how remembering and showing our humanity in leadership not only frees us but those around us as well from the unrealistic and unhealthy expectations we sometimes have. Lauren shares with us her leadership journey from starting an organization with $11,000 to growing that be a $2.5 Million dollar organization serving close to 500 youth a year. Lauren shares honestly about the highs and lows of leadership, how having the right team makes all the difference, and specific strategies and practices she uses to stay grounded and energized for her work. 


In this week's episode, we talk with Lauren VanKeulen, CEO of AYA Youth Collective, about how remembering and showing our humanity in leadership not only frees us but those around us as well from the unrealistic and unhealthy expectations we sometimes have.

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