Chelsea Garter - To persevere we have to trust and practice

Today's guest inspires us to trust ourselves and how we were made to be free, creative, and thankful. Chelsea's way of seeing the world inspires us to see through a lens of gratitude and awe! This lens is captured in her art, but it's not always easy. Just like all of us, creatives have hard and uninspired seasons, there are times when it's hard to create and produce. Chelsea talks about how learning to trust herself, and show up to keep practicing has helped her to persevere through these seasons. 


  • Chelsea Instagram - @Chelseamichalgarter and @chelseamichalart

    Chelsea's website

    Chelsea is hosting a class at Glass House community in July - so stay tuned!

Today's guest inspires us to trust ourselves and how we were made to be free, creative, and thankful. Chelsea's way of seeing the world inspires us to see through a lens of gratitude and awe! This lens is captured in her art, but it's not always easy. Just like all of us, creatives have hard and uninspired seasons, there are times when it's hard to create and produce.

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