First Name
Last Name
Nick name or name you prefer to be called?
Preferred phone number
Please include the area code
Where you referred by someone? If so please enter their name.
First Name
Last Name
What are you hoping to hire Gray Space for?
When would you like to start this engagement?
We may have a signed contract and coordination done prior but this would be the start of in person connection points.
1 Month
3 Months
6 Months
1 Year
Are you the decision maker for this engagement or is there someone you will have to get approval from?
You may be the point person but are you able to make the financial and capacity commitments to this engagement without checking with someone else?
When making decisions, do you rely on your gut/intuition or do you need a lot of information?
Need a lot of information
What is the best form of communication for you?
Think about the best way for you and I to quick check in, send reminders, do scheduling, etc. This is NOT about meeting or doing work.
Whats App
Phone call and voice mail
Mix of all of the above
How would you describe your communication style?
Are you more direct, blunt, indirect, do you use analogies or stories, etc.
What is your most productive time of day?
Think about times you can really focus and get in a flow. There can be more than one.
Early morning
Mid morning
Early afternoon
Late afternoon
Late at night
What is the time of day you like to have meetings the most?
There can be more than one.
Early morning
Mid morning
Early afternoon
Late afternoon
Late at night
What is your preferred manner of meeting?
We can definitely meet in a variety of spaces but please select your primary go-to.
In person at your place of work
In person at a coffee shop
Virtually via zoom
What is your primary goal for this engagement?
What would make you walk away feeling like this was a worthy investment?
What do you see as some of your potential barriers for full investment in this engagement?
These could be things such as, get distracted, finding the time, communication, outside of work commitments or responsibilities, finances, etc.
How can I support you and be mindful of these potential barriers?
These could be things like, be persistent in communication, understand I may be delayed, sending reminders, create space in our sessions to process other things, etc.
When is your birthday?
What is the best address to send notes, invoices, or encouragements to?
This should be an address you check regularly.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code